We have all heard the saying "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" probably more times than we can remember in our lives. But how many of us have actually taken the time to do so BEFORE we make assumptions about the person? I would venture to say it's a very, very small percentage.
So quick most of us are to make assumptions about the people we see each and every day. Most of us will move to a conclusion in a matter of nanoseconds about the why of what someone looks like or what they are doing before we ever think about the why from inside their shoes.
The guy on the corner with a sign asking for money or help. What's your first assumption? Is it that he really needs the money? Go ahead tell the truth to yourself right now. For many of us, the assumption is that he's doing it to make money, like it's his job. Or that he's doing it for money for drugs or alcohol. Or that his life choices landed him there and he's responsible for his plight in life. Or hundreds of other assumptions. Do we stop to take his shoes and put them on and actually try and find out the truth of WHY? Not likely. Most of us will drive right on by.
The teenage girl who is pregnant. What's your first assumption? Is it that she wanted to get pregnant on purpose? Is it that she chose not to use protection so she deserves the outcome? Is it that she must sleep around a lot and it was bound to happen? Is it because she wanted to hold on to a guy? Take her shoes and find out the truth of WHY.
The person on welfare. What are your first thoughts? That they are too lazy to work? That they want the government and thereby you to support them? That they buy cigarettes and alcohol and then the government (and you) pay for everything else? That they chose this life? Put your feet in their shoes and find out the truth of WHY.
Most of us make assumptions every day about others we encounter. People we do not know at all. Have never met. Never talked to. People that just pass by and we make judgments on their lives in a fleeting second based on our own beliefs, prejudices, bigotry, and yes hatred. Most of us never take the time to slip out of our own comfortable existence to put on shoes that might not fit and find out the truth of the WHY and many of us who do this call ourselves Christians. Many of us say the phrase, judge not lest ye be judged but we never, ever practice it in reality. We never walk a mile or a minute or a microsecond in another's shoes before we assume. How about today?
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