Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Let's say you feed someone today who is hungry.  Then that person, now no longer hungry, decides to not break into someone's house and rob them for things to sell for food.  Then the homeowner does not shoot the would be thief and take away a child's father and have to live with killing someone who was hungry for the rest of his life.  And on and on and on it goes.

In life everything ripples.  What you do and what you don't do.  It all has an effect.  Not just on your immediate space but out into the infinite.  The choices you make, the actions you take ripple out to affect every one else.  You may not see it.  You may not even think about it.  But it happens nevertheless.  It is a reaction to what you do, what you say, what you choose.

Most people only live in the right now.  They cannot see what happens in the future.  They cannot look out and watch the ripples of their actions as they move across time and space to reach countless others.  If they did and if they could, most people would make very different choices in life, take very different actions.  But for most their only concern is right now and what it will do or not do for them in that moment.  It is the way most humans are and have always been.  Is it any wonder why the ripples aren't so lovely a lot of the time?

On your very next choice today or your very next decision to action, think about what that decision is going to do outside of your very own ripple.  Consider for just one second that what you are saying, doing, choosing and how it is going to ripple out.

T= Is it true?
H= Is it helpful?
I= Is it inspiring?
N= Is it necessary?
K= Is it kind?

Just taking the time to THINK can make all the difference in your own ripple and the ripples of countless others you cannot even imagine.  What are your ripples going to be today?

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