Again today American's had a system shock. When something so horrific happens that they are systemically shocked by it. Newtown, 9-11, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, Lone Star College and on the list goes. American's feel the shock, the sadness, the helplessness of it all. They question. They grieve. They pray. The government wants to pass laws. News reporting rushes ahead of the facts and even sometimes gets in the way of them. Reality television takes on an entirely different meaning.
Other countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Israel must all look at our news and our reactions to it and wonder, why do we seemingly go overboard when something like this happens when in their countries it is an everyday....and EVERYDAY occurrence. Why do we not rise up in shock and outrage when even our own American soldiers are killed in other countries? Why do we not feel the same shock and grief when their people are killed in huge groups on a daily basis?
Those in Chicago who have lost loved ones surely must ask themselves, why is this event worse than the loss of my child, my father, my brother, my husband, my family member? Last year, 2012, 507 people were killed in Chicago. So far in 2013, there have been as best as I've been able to find, 85 people killed. America is not outraged by this.
Perhaps it is because what happens in other countries even to our own soldiers doesn't happen here. Perhaps it is because those soldiers are lost in the performance of their duties. Perhaps some Americans believe those are acceptable losses.
Perhaps it is because the people in those other countries that are killed are not Americans. Perhaps there are some Americans who believe those people should die. Perhaps some Americans don't care if they do because they are not in this country.
The government and some Americans run directly to passing laws because of these system shocks. Guns must be stopped. The mentally ill must be controlled. Though I haven't heard anyone saying we need to ban knives such as were used in the Texas college stabbing. Guns kill everyone apparently. Except today in Boston.
But what of those in Chicago? What of the 2012 number of more than 1 person being killed a day.....being killed a day. I see no system shock here. Because they are spread out the system shock doesn't register. And so no one stands up to demand justice or to ensure it.
These things are just not shocking enough.....sadly. Peace and comfort for all those who have lost those they love.
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